From rhel6.5, ubuntu 14.04 and debian 8 its very easy to setup without using ldap directly.
This has been tested on CentOS 6.5 and Windows 2012 R2
Windows 2012 R2 setup:
On the AD controller, you need to install Identity Management for UNIX in servermanagement.
You can find the documentation from ms here
Then you can setup uid, gid and users shell from the AD usermanagmenttool.
RHEL6 setup:
Enable EPEL first, and install the adcli package. It will pull all the required files.
Then run adcli join
If you get an error about reverse dns you can change rdns = false in /etc/krb5.conf
While in there, also change the default_realm into
Now the rhel machine should be a member of your domain, and you should be able to see it in the useradmin tool on windows.
Next, install SSSD with yum and create /etc/ssd/sssd.conf with your favorite editor (Read, vim)
Note that logging (debug_level) is set pretty high, so you should probably change these later when things are working fine. Also shortnames is enabled, so that you can use username instead of